How One Year Sober Changed My Body, & My Life Claudia Christian

I left rehab after struggling with eight years of eating disorders, and the moment I was back at home I ran too much and pulled a ligament after months of non-activity. Regardless why you entered, there is always the pressure to stay in it. The hard part is understanding that it will not be flawless. Kathryn Mastin, Cumberland Heights Chief Human Resources Officer since 2015, has spent more than 30 years as a Human Resources professional.

What is the success rate of staying sober?

Addiction specialists cite success rates slightly higher, between 8% and 12%. A New York Times article stated that AA claims that up to 75% of its members stay abstinent. Alcoholics Anonymous' Big Book touts about a 50% success rate, stating that another 25% remain sober after some relapses.

Joe was a successful trial
lawyer with an active practice in a small, well-respected firm. Colleagues, clients, and friends like him and
saw him as accomplished in every aspect of his life. Well known in his community, he served on the
local school board, was active in his church, and directly worked on behalf of
several charitable community organizations. His wife was a community leader; he had a daughter in law school and a
son studying at an Ivy League college. Cinde regularly trains on topics ranging from 12-step based Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Spiritual Care principles to ethical practice and clinical supervision.

The Sober Life: What to Expect in the First 30 Days

In fact, since I quit, I have had zero cravings for alcohol, and only the occasional memory or thought which quickly goes away. Because I follow TSM, I also know that if there were ever a reason I really had to drink, I could do so safely. But at this point, I can honestly say that I do not see that day coming. There have been so many huge positives—many of which I can absolutely say would not have happened otherwise. According to 2018 research, supportive relationships with family, spouses, and sponsors help those working toward sobriety sustain their recovery. It’s recommended that the supportive partner seeks their own support during the recovery process.

One big reason people feel so afraid of sobriety is because of what they see in the media, pop culture and even from people they know on social media. There’s the sense that if you’re not using drugs or alcohol, somehow life is boring or uninteresting. There’s the misconception that if you’re sober, you aren’t fun, you won’t be able to enjoy your life to the fullest and you’ll have trouble forming relationships. Many people turn to drugs and alcohol to avoid unwanted feelings, like loneliness, depression, or anxiety.

You avoid alcohol- or drug-related health problems.

Now that you are sober, you may have discovered that some of your past relationships were not only unhealthy but downright toxic. It’s not just your drinking buddies and drug dealers who can get you into trouble—sometimes those who are closest to you can contribute to a relapse. But for most people, staying sober isn’t that straightforward. The more strategies you learn to identify triggers, cope with stress, and manage your new sober life, the easier it is to prevent relapse. It may help to pick a quit date, or a day when you choose to discontinue use of alcohol or drugs. It’s also helpful to change your environment—for instance, avoid going to bars.

  • Every day you go without drinking boosts your self-esteem, even if you don’t notice.
  • When you choose to become sober, you might worry that your life is going to become boring.
  • For instance, all areas of your brain are affected by alcohol, including the gray matter, which is the brain tissue where information is processed.
  • This is because experts say that it takes approximately one year for your brain and body to fully heal from the effects of alcohol and adjust to an alcohol-free lifestyle.

While making the decision to be sober was the best thing I’ve ever done, it’s also one of the hardest. Not only because not drinking is hard, but also because we live in a society where most everyone around us drinks. If you recently had surgery or an injury, your doctor will be careful with the pain medication they give you, because some of those drugs can make you more likely to relapse. Ask your doctor about nonmedical ways to manage your pain, like massage or acupuncture.

Drug Diversion in Nursing

You will free yourself to better cope with stress, more effectively communicate with others and devote yourself fully to the tasks in front of you. For many people struggling with addiction, substance and alcohol use is misinterpreted as a crutch. Though it might feel initially like that crutch is helpful, it quickly becomes the thing that most hinders them. Since 2016 Jay has served on the board of directors of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP). As past chair of NAATP’s Ethics Committee, Jay was instrumental in important changes made to the organization’s code of ethics. In addition, Jay serves as Treasurer/Secretary of the Foundation of Recovery Science and Education.

  • Everything I’d been looking for—adventure, newness, the courage I knew was mine—materialized.
  • When you’re suffering from addiction, your only concern is to get more substances.
  • Much of our social behaviors involve the use of substances in one form or another.
  • Addiction often has that effect, whether you were cut off from loved ones who tried to help or you yourself pushed loved ones away in the name of drugs.